Kitties Are Weird

If you are the owner (and I use that term very loosely) of a cat, you know that sometimes they do things that are really weird. 

For example, you spend $150 on a 6-foot-tall cat tree with multiple levels and hidey-holes and scratching post legs, and the first thing the cat does when you introduce him to this marvel of cat climb into the box and take a nap. Also, you can spend $150 on sophisticated cat toys with catnip inside and lights that flash and balls that spin around when they're slapped, and the cat will always prefer playing with a ten cent shoestring.

Your cat will love on you and flip over on his back to invite you to rub his furry belly.....but if you rub his belly ONE SECOND longer than he prefers (a completely random number of seconds determined by him), he may grab on to your hand and bite the crap out of you. He loves you, but... The good news is that if he is willing to let you pet his belly for even a short time, it means he trusts you. You can feel good about that as you are putting bandaids on your hands.

You make sure that your kitty always has fresh water in a clean bowl, but...he prefers to drink out of a dripping faucet, thank you very much. Why? This is part of their wild nature. Instinct tells them that running water is safer to drink than still pools. If you are weary of turning the faucet on and off, get a drinking fountain that runs all the time. This should satisfy their need to drink from running water and save you 50 trips to the bathroom sink every day.

Have you ever been deeply interested in a movie and suddenly feel your cat "boop" your leg? You look down and realize that there is a dead mouse laying by your bare foot, and your cat is sitting there looking particularly proud of himself? With a shriek, you jerk your foot away and cower on the couch, wondering what the heck your cat is thinking? Well, basically, he either thinks you're hungry, and he's providing nourishment for you, or he loves you enough to bring you a "gift". Either way, your kitty is saying, "You are my person, and I am happy to offer you this as a token of my affection." Try not to freak out, and don't punish your cat for this. If you can bear it, lavish your kitty with love, and then when he isn't looking, dispose of the mouse in a place where he can't dig it out and bring it back to you.

Your cat is sitting near the wall, staring intently and unmoving. Is he seeing a bug you can't see? Has he gone crazy? Is there a ghost that is preparing to pounce on you? Perhaps he is meditating, or maybe he really does think he sees something. No one really knows why cats stare at what apparently is nothing at all, but it's ok. It may be a daydream. Accept it. Don't interrupt him unless you're prepared to provide him with playtime, food, or a gentle grooming session. Cats need their "me time" just like people do.

The book you're reading is really engrossing, and your kitty is laying beside you, apparently asleep. Suddenly, he jumps up and goes running through the house at full speed, He may be yowling, or he may be silent, but this is clearly a case of the "zoomies". Cats do this to release pent-up energy. You may be startled, but you shouldn't be alarmed. It's natural behavior, and it's only annoying when he does it at two o'clock in the morning.

I have heard people say that the reason they love cats is that they are so independent and don't require much attention. This couldn't be further from the truth. Cats need your attention, your love, and your praise. 

Some behaviors are merely annoying, some are just outright weird, and some may indicate a problem that requires the attention of a veterinarian. If you're not sure, err on the side of caution and call your vet. Cats may be weird, but they also need medical attention on a regular basis. Be sure this "weird" behavior is natural, and not something caused by a health issue.

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