In keeping with my loving opinion that kitties are weird, here are some whys to back up that claim:

Why do cats like boxes? It's a puzzle to me, but apparently they can't "think outside the box". (Sorry, yeah, that was really bad...)

Why do cats show you their buttholes? Do they expect you to sniff them? If they're your cats, you probably already know them, so this type of forced identification is really unnecessary.

Why do cats suddenly get a case of the "zoomies" (usually in the middle of the night) and wake up everybody in the house?

Why, when it's 85 degrees in the house (because your husband won't let you turn down the AC - costs too much), does your cat find a sunny spot and bake there until it makes YOU feel like you're in the Sahara?

Why, when you're playing with your cat, does she suddenly stop and start grooming herself frantically as if she cannot possibly bear to have a hair out of place, and she's late for a photo shoot?

Why are cats ALWAYS attracted to that ONE visitor in the house who is either not fond of felines or is allergic?

There are many more "whys"; if you come up with one, please let me know. I'm dying to hear what you think.


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